July 2012

From April 1-June 30, Valley Natural Foods and many wellness products vendors  rallied together on behalf of  store wellness manager, Naomi Lundberg to put together the "Unite for Naomi" fundraiser.  $5.00 bags of wellness products were sold  to raise money on behalf of Naomi, who was diagnosed with breast cancer earlier this year.  All the wellness products were donated to 360 Communities' Burnsville's food shelf. We are happy to report that we sold 426 bags and raised $2,519.16 for Naomi! That means for the 90-day period of the fundraiser we sold an average of almost 5 bags a day! That's incredible! A huge thanks goes out to all of our shoppers for their generosity, it really means a lot.  Also, another huge thanks goes out to all of our amazing wellness vendors who supported the fundraiser with product.  We couldn't have

By: Loris Sofia Gregory, Healthy Kitchen Coach, Apple Valley, MN July gifts us with a healthy abundance of flavorful FRESH & LOCAL produce: the crisp nutrient-packed greens of cilantro, collard greens, cucumbers, kales, lettuces, Napa cabbage, parsley and zucchini; the succulent reds and oranges of beets, berries, carrots, radishes, romaine and melons; and the captivating earthy palette of heirloom tomatoes. Satisfying summer meals and optimum health are not the only benefits of eating a rainbow of FRESH & LOCAL produce. When we buy local, we help our local farm families earn a living, which in turn preserves farmland around us. Buying fresh local food also supports our local economy and saves money through minimizing and eliminating processing, packaging, marketing and transportation costs. Take your taste buds on a lip-smacking tour of these July flavors, recipes and meal ideas. I look forward